Australian immigration

The only difficult part of your Australian immigration journey should be the long flight!

Australians visas & citizenship

We assess your situation and your dreams, assess your best options and prepare your case.

One of the biggest challenges with Australian immigration is getting it ALL right. Don't risk a refusal. You'll be kicking yourself afterwards. We've got years of experience handling some of the toughest immigration cases.

What we do?
1. We review your circumstances and look at The Migration Act 1958 and other legislation/policy to determine your eligibility for any visa type.
2. We prepare your visa application and put together your evidence. If applicable, we prepare documents for the sponsorship of a visa applicant.
3. We advise you of your prospects and we ensure a complete application that meets the visa criteria.
4. If necessary, we can prepare for proceedings before a merits review tribunal such as the Administrative Review Tribunal.
5. If necessary, we can make a request to the Minister for Immigration on your behalf.

Our services include visas such as:

Subclass 482 Skills in Demand visa

Subclass 186 Employer Nomination Scheme visa (Direct Entry or Temporary Residence Transition)

Subclass 408 Temporary Activity visa

Subclass 189 Skilled Independent visa

Subclass 190 Skilled Nominated visa

Subclass 124 Distinguished Talent visa

Subclass 820/801 Partner visa - onshore

Subclass 309/100 Prospective Marriage visa - offshore

Subclass 300/100 Partner visa - offshore

Subclass 115 Remaining Relative visa

Subclass 117 Orphan Relative visa

Subclass 445 Dependent Child visa

Subclass 143 Contributory Parent visa

Subclass 884 Contributory Aged Parent visa

Subclass 866 Protection visa - onshore

Subclass 407 Training visa

Subclass 485 Graduate visa

Subclass 836 Carer visa

Subclass 101 Child visa

Subclass 802 Child visa

Subclass 600 Visitor visa

Subclass 651 eVisitor visa

Subclass 462/417 Working Holiday visa

Visa refusal or cancellation? Don't stress!

If you have had your Australian visa refused or cancelled (or maybe you've been informed of an invalid application), get in touch! We will review the decision record and advise you of your options.

We're here for you. We understand the time and money that goes into reviewing a decision with the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART). We'll give you a good idea of your prospects and help you put together the best case possible.

We know those decision records can be confusing - let us explain in simple terms what this means for you and your family.

If you have already lodged your appeal with the ART but would like advice and help preparing your statements and evidence, we can assist you. You can represent yourself in front of the Tribunal however it is recommended that you have a lawyer if there is any doubt.

If you've already lodged your visa but you're nervous about a possible refusal, it's never too late to get in touch. We can review your application and ensure it meets the relevant visa criteria. You'll sleep better at night!

I've received a s56 or s57 letter and I need help!

If you've lodged an application and receive a s56 or s57 letter, it is never too late to get some legal help. Remember it's important to note the timeframes for a response. Don't ignore a s56 or s57 letter!

The s56 letter will clearly set out what further evidence you are required to provide to the Department of Home Affairs. If you are unable to produce a requested type of evidence, you need to clearly set out reasons why you are unable to obtain it and/or request further time.

A s57 letter is a little more serious. This letter means that the Department of Home Affairs are flagging a possible visa refusal due to your apparent ineligibility per the visa criteria. Remember if you are onshore and have a visa refused or cancelled, you may be subject to a bar on making a further visa application for some subclasses whilst onshore. It is really important take proper action with respect of the s57 letter and we recommend getting some advice on what this means for your matter.

I want to a pathway to permanent residency.
Can you help me?

Certainly! We understand that most of our clients are looking to make their Australian experience a long-term one. We look after the whole family. If you're looking to move to Australia permanently or eventually apply for Australian citizenship, we can help you. We will assess the best visa program for you and your family, and get you started making dreams a reality!